- hip circle warm-up
- glute warm-ups
Cambered Bar Squat
- Bar x 10 x 2
- 160 x 5 x 2
- 270 x 3
- 360 x 1
- 470 x 2 - added briefs
- 560 x 2
- 670 x 1
- 760 x 1
- 800 x 1
°45 Back Raises
- 35 x 15 x 3
So even after taking over a month off from squats the pain in my SI is still there in full force so I'm not sure what to do for it at this point. I'm going to continue to do my prehab/rehab work for my glutes to try and bring them up since I believe that is one of the main culprits, but I'm also going to add in stretching for my hamstrings, psoas and piriformis because I know my lack of flexibility can't be helping the situation either. I'll likely cut squatting back to twice a month or maybe only once, but it's up in the air right now.