Finally, a training session that didn't end with me thinking 'wow I feel weak'!
The way I felt today was the closest to normal I've felt in about a month. A really good feeling.
This was my first squat session since before the wedding, so going into it I knew I wanted to keep the weight lighter, but I also wanted to be able to build off of these squats going into this next training cycle. Continuing the trend of yesterday's bench, I chose a weight that I knew I could do under any circumstances. For me, that's 275. I'm really pleased with how these moved other than being a bit rusty for the first set. I was shifting back a bit too much coming up out of the hole for my last few reps of my first set. Seth let me know what was going on, so I referred back to what Goggins taught me, which is to think about pushing your upper back into the bar coming up out of the hole.



Leg press
A weird old one that just didn't feel 'right'. kept the weight really light

Bulgarian split squats
These suck more than I want to admit. I do them bodyweight and am keeping them in the program until I can perform them with 50lbs

Leg extensions