Here is a fun metabolic boot camp for you consisting of different stations.  Each station is 1 minute rotating around with 15- 20 seconds in between for rest.

W/U Joint Mobility

Warm Up Swings 2  Min ( alternating Legs)


Battling Ropes (30 sec slams, 30 holding squat while slamming)

Walk Outs of Death ( Walk out on hands, 5 pushups, walk back, 5 heart throbs, 5 squats, repeat)

Triceps ( Band Pull downs)

Rings ( Lat Pull Ups)

Heavy Swings

Double Bell series ( Pushup on Bell, Pull Throughs, Triceps on Bell, Deadlifts, repeat 5 reps x 2)

Double Compounds (5 Cleans, 5 Presses, 5 Squats, 5 Snatches, 5 Overhead Squats)

Kettlebell Tricep Extensions

Heavy Clean & Jerk


Swing Squats

Bent Over Rows

Seated Double Bell Presses

And for the Finisher

2 Mins Swing Snatch Combo 

 See if you can get through the circuit twice and if you have lots of time do it for 3 rounds!

#kettlebellsheri #livelearnpasson