Monday-sled push 10 trips
- Front Squat- up to 330
- DB Split Lunge 5x5
- Abs
Tuesday-PVC roll
- BB Mil Standing-up to 185x12
- 55% Incline DB Press x12
- Lat Pull 4 sets
- abs
Thursday-sled pull 10 trips
- Beltless deads conventional up to 500x5
- Glute/Ham 4xfail
- abs
Friday-PVC roll
- Floor Press up to 365 x10
- Pull-ups 5xfail
- DB Flat up to 150x12
- abs
*****This week was light just getting back into it after the disappointing XPC meet that I bombed on the bench. Sticking with my game plan is a must. Will call it like it is, I would of won the overall if I would of got one bench in. Have to learn the shirt. Have a lot of help with the team at elitefts and some local help as well. Hitting volume work next 4 weeks then onto meet prep for next meet. Would like to do a meet in mid June. The reps I am performing next few weeks suck and are killing me but will overall pack on some muscle and help me I'm the long run*****