Monday=Lower Body Focus.
- Narrow stance front squats 5x10
- Step Test (4sets each leg with weight)
- Assisted Glute/ham raise (partner)
- Glute Bridge Variations/Midsection work
- Conditioning (plate push)
Tuesday=Upper Body Focus
- 1) BB rep work (30 sec burst)
- (superset) Plyo box push ups (till fail/speed slows down)
- BB Mil Press 5 x 8
- Kettlebell Row 5 x 12
- Band Pull Aparts
- Upper Body Muscle Endurnace (disc drags)
Thursday=Lower Body Focus
- Deficit Deadlift 5x10
- (superset) 5 broad jumps-distance
- DB walking Lunges (5trips, lateral and linear)
- Boatloads of ab movements
- Distance Run outside
Friday=Upper Body Focus
- Board Press (varies with Athlete) 5x8
- Hang Clean 5x3
- Pull-Ups 8xFail
- Curls-4-da-girls
- Resistance Sprints
****Before every workout we hit around 10-12 minutes warming up through various movements I like. We spend a good amount of time on this along with mobility movements as well to help prep for the days work****