17 Weeks from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

This was my first max effort day back since the meet; and I began with low box squats with the SSB. The weight was feeling lighter than it has the past few weeks of my training cycle, and I think getting off this medicine is starting to improve my ability to lift heavy (but on the flipside my sleep is getting worse again, so we'll see which side wins out). I'm optimistic training will continue to improve moving forward. Squats moved pretty well, my technique was just off from where it should've been and I was pitching forward pretty bad. I'll make sure to be more patient about releasing on the box next time these come around. Leaning forward when I sit back in the squat is one of the worst habits I've been working to improve. When I can keep upright, I have a lot more in the tank weight-wise. Overall a good day, followed by Good Mornings, Leg Press, and Heavy Abs..

A. Banded Ab Pull-Down Warm-Up: 5x15

B. SSB Low Box Squat - Triples up to 440x3


C. SSB Close Stance Good Morning - 4x8 w/ 205lbs

D1. Leg Press - 4x15 (slow eccentric w/ pause)

D2. Heavy Ab Cable Pulldown - 4x10

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