After finally getting an off season training cycle in, I am now in meet prep for WPC World's where I will be competing raw with knee wraps in the 132 pound weight class in Baton Rouge, LA on November 7th, 2016. My goal is to earn my first world championship.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com
Saturday's training session was a very light one. I'm taking the weekend to back off the heavy CNS loads, let me body get some better rest and recovery, before making a final good push into the last leg of meet prep. Quite a bit of reps and work, but it was super easy and nothing done to a hard, fatiguing state. Whatever it was, just the entire day I felt like a bag of crap. My energy was basically non existent (and for anyone that's been around me, they know this is not like me), and I really could have just laid around all day. But I got in some work and was happy I just did something. I'm hoping this funk is gone by Tuesday when I need to deadlift (basically an opener I believe). I'm sure it's just some of the built up fatigue from the training cycle and the stress I had over the course of the week. Eh, we're half way though prep, so now it's time to really start dialing things in!
Items Used in this Training Session
SS Yoke Bar
Mini Band
Warm Up
Hip Flexor Stretch - 30 sec per leg
Leg Swings (forward and side to side) - 10 each
Single Leg RDL - 10 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 per leg
Goblet Squat - 10
Standing Band Crunch - 15
A1) Squat
B1) SSB Strip the Rack Squat
C1) Lying Band Leg Curls
D1) Reverse Hyper
D2) Standing Cable Crunches
E1) Prowler Pushes
3 trips down and back, moderate weight
Do you think the strip the rack squats would be doable with a straight bar? I'm trying to figure out some more quad isolation movements for my garage gym, and right now I'm looking at high-rep front squats and Bulgarian split squats as the only real options I can think of.