ME Top & Bottom. The Good: Friends! The Bad: Missing Lifts! The Ugly: Missing Lifts on a Spider Bar!

We had teammate and article contributor Meana and Seth in for the weekend which was great! I just want to let the world know we went from contractually obligated friends to REAL LIFE FRIENDS!! And now they should move here and train at the compound and hang out with me all the time. That was my “subliminal” message.
Meana has a meet coming up in a few weeks where she is going to roundhouse kick some ass and Seth has a geared meet coming up in about 60000 weeks. They entrusted us to help them dial in their squats and benches.
We worked on Meana's pick since she will be doing this meet out of a mono and her sets looked way more solid once she had a better grasp of wedging her body into the bar, using the mono to create tension, and standing straight up with the bar. Seth also worked on his pick since he is a "I'M STRONK I WILL JAM THIS BAR OUT OF THE RACK WITHOUT TIGHTENING ANYTHING" kinds guy.
Also I learned how to make crop tops so it was a full day of learning all around.
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
Spider Bar Squat To Max Single Off Box
+ use two chain per side to “ground the bar”
+ Box height 2 inches higher than legal
OK SO. I went up to 4 plates a side and called it there. Then I realized it was 495 so as we were taking the plates off I was like FUCK IT THROW EM BACK ON… and add a 2.5 per side. OK I KNOW HOW STUPUD THIS IS. But I had to do it especially after Dave said “that’s the weight I use… Plus chains” (plus about 700 chains). ANyway I fucking failed.
Because uh I didn’t have enough rest and I uh sat on the box for too long and I uh Mercury is in retrograde. Anymore questions?
- Trap Bar Pulls Against Bands
- + around 40% of best DL and keep adding bands until it feels somewhat hard. At this point do 8 sets of 1 with around 60 seconds rest
Actually went down a little in band weight this week. Last week’s band weight was a little too much where it was pulling out of my hands at the top. Obvi I did it anyway but I knew it wasn;t ideal for a movement that was supposed to be speed deadlifting.
- Medium Stance Belt Squat (use any of the machines. Squat to depth and find a weight you can do 6 sets of 10 with with 60 seconds rest.
OOh switching up the stances here.
- Back extension on GHR/Reverse Hyper Combo
- 3x12-15
- Ab and Adducation Machine
- + one set of 15-20 each way
Hanging Leg Raises
Swiss Bar Pull Down
+ sets of 8 reps until you get sick of doing them. My guess will be no less than 6 sets. The swiss handle is good for this as you have 3 grips and can just do 2 sets with each grip.
Also I did some butt things
Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Fat bar bench up to max single
Uh this was questionable. I got to two plates and somehow stalled a few inches above my chest. Don’t tell Dave I missed it. He was on vacation already. But I was like fuck I shouldn’t have missed that. So I got tight as fuck and took it again and went faster on the way down got it on a nice grindey rep. Needless to say I cut it off there...
You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes...
- As a circuit with around 30 seconds between movements
- +++ 4 Rounds +++
- Add between 10-15% more weight on each movement this week.
- OHP for 8-10 reps
- Tricep Extensions for 15 reps
- Band Face Pulls for 20 reps
- Band Pull Apart for 20 reps
- Kettlebell Rows (both arms at the same time) for 15 reps
Pushed the weight a little more on the OHP, triceps, and kettlebell rows. I guess you didn’t need me to sat that since it said it in the fucking instructions.
- Chest Supported Rows super-set with Static Band Pull Apart.
- CSR - 4 sets 10-12 reps
- Band Pull Apart - 4 sets - hold for 30 seconds
- Pull Down Abs
- + 3 sets of 10-12 reps
One of Dvae’s explicit instructions while he is on vacation is to NOT MISS. I am pretty sure this is directed AT ME. Also if you read my logs you have seen that one of my main goals is to MAKE BETTER CHOICES AND NOT MISS. And obviously it is NOT WORKING.
So I will be playing Aerosmith's "Don't want to miss a thing" on repeat on until Dave gets back from vacation. And dress like a pirate like everyone in the band.
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