I've been whooping everyone's ass on upper days- I feel confident saying that--cause it's true. Today got interesting tho, I'm super explosive off the chest and ride that momentum out-well the guy who calls our bench workouts through me a doozy, which may have been direct to try to get himself a win for the day.
We set up a low pin with doubled over purples. The game, see who goes the heaviest. Feeling like I was a target, and being on the other side of some trickery, I was pissed off and feeling rather aggressive. Game on, we all took jumps until things slowed, and then everyone starting using change to try to get a win.
I think my competition went four plates fives, so I went four plates dimes for the win, it was easy. Burley comes out with four plates dimes, forcing me to take another which I was planning anyway, so I took four plates four dimes for the win. 450 bar weight against doubled over purples, that shit was fucking heavy, especially off of a low pin.
Another win, that's what its all about here win, win, win...