Melissa Byrd 42 years old - IPA Battle of the Beast 2 - Gainesboro, Tenn - 07/08/17

In the past 12 months Lil momma has competed in three different weight classes (114, 123 - masters elite total, 132 - full power raw) and two different divisions in each meet (masters and open). Quite an accomplishment in itself. She is also competing in her second meet in a row after having surgery on her left knee which had her down for several weeks. Even though she is not 100%' her rehab continues to be a success and her hard-work and confidence continues to amaze. This is her first time competing at 132 and also the heaviest she has ever been in her life (not counting pregnancy lol).

Her continued success shined through at this meet. Success to me is weighed upon my top five:

1. continued PR's - check
2. staying healthy. no injuries from meet - check
3. not bombing out - check
4. having fun - check
5. placing in the top three of weight class/division - check

Here is what Melissa accomplished at this meet:

Squat - 235 - Lifetime PR - Wt. Class PR - IPA World Record
Bench - 105 - Lifetime PR - Wt. Class PR - IPA World Record
Deadlift - 280 - Wt. Class PR - IPA World Record
Total - 620 - Lifetime PR - Wt. Class PR - IPA World Record

1st Place Women's full power raw - 132 weight class - Masters
2nd Place Women's full power raw - 132 weight class - Open
4 - weight class - PR's
3 - Lifetime - PR's
4 - IPA World Records - Female Masters - Raw Full Power

I am so very proud of you baby! I love you Lil momma!....








