How many of you miss a Max Effort squat due to things like, "hips and back weakness"? Now, for many of you, this is not a limit in maximal output but more so an inability to induce maximal output (ie your car will go faster you just don't know how to push the gas pedal). It is not that you are creating maximal tensions that are not enough to move the weight, it is instead that you are not creating maximal tensions in the right muscle group to move the weight. While you recognize which specific areas need work and choose good accessory movements, The inability to coordinate the movements correctly carries over very little effectiveness in the main lift (you miss a squat because you can't activate your hips > you choose a hip dominant movement as accessory > you do that movement without activating your hips aka create a compensation > you continue to miss lifts because you can't activate your hips. This has the potential to be a vicious cycle and many beginner and intermediate lifters may feel like they are running into a brick wall repeatedly because of it. Make sure you recognize HOW to properly execute accessory movements and do them with INTENT to carry over into your main movements.