Warm up Naughty Nineteen
Incline bench with football bar
FSL sets
250x15 *paused
Band pushdown 3x10
Dbl shrugs 75x15
Standing band flyes 3x15
Airdyne 30 minutes
Back to regular training. Body is feeling pretty good and everything is pretty much in working order. Psoas and hip is feeling good, just a little thoracic weirdness. Interestingly, adding a few band assisted pull ups into my warm up seems to really help stretch my back out and gives it some good relief.
Incline bench with the football bar is the bomb. My shoulders and pecs feel awesome. The work set weights felt comfortable, but that's the plan. I'm trusting in Wendler working around the 80% range as that is something we discussed. The FSL set was a tough one though. I decided to do all 15 reps in one set and paused each rep. If the RPE wasn't 10 it was about as close as you could get.
I didn't do a lot of assistance because my energy was a little low. I traveled all Sunday and then kept my calories low. The meat and potatoes were the bench sets everything else is a bonus. That's why I like 5/3/1 because I get more volume on the bench than with conjugate. If I really feel like it, I can walk away after just benching and know I have gotten enough work in.
So that's it. I'd rather still be in Aruba. Maybe I should start the first Aruban powerlifting club? Any takers?