Warm up
20 bird dogs
10 kneeling hip circles
15 standing band flyes
15 band pushdowns
10 YTWL's over physio ball
5 kneeling horacic exentsions

Speed Bench
Football bar w/dbl mini bands 185 3x3, 205 3x3, 225 3x3, 245 3x3 *3 grips

Football bar extension w/dbl mini bands inside grip w/leg up 95 4x10

15 standing band flyes
15 band pushdowns
10 YTWL's over physio ball
20 bird dogs
10 kneeling hip circles
5 kneeling thoracic extensions

I have slowly been narrowing down what I need to do to get warm for training and just feel good overall. It takes me probably around 5 minutes. Maybe I'll even time it to see.

Dynamic effort felt great. Over the years I have learned I like waving the weights up. I used all three grips on the football bar for the first time. I am not fond of the middle grip and now after trying it, I really hate the inside grip. I'm very weak with it. I think I have a plan for next week. I'll let you in on it after I try it out.

I did extensions for my supplemental exercise. With the football bar you can really mimic rolling dumbbell triceps extensions. It's a great stretch. With just the 95 lbs and doubled bands, I struggled to grind out the 10th rep on the 4th set.

Considering I did 3 extra work sets on dynamic bench, I felt adequately trained after that and the extensions. I called it there. I'm focusing on quality rather than quantity for a while. I'm curious to see the results.

I figured my warm up helped me feel so good, why not throw it in after my session. It's not really assistance, so I didn't know what to call it. I'll just go with posthab. Experts will hate that which will bring joy to my life.

Thanks for reading