This will cover last week's training and get me up to date on my log
Sunday was a squat day at Apollon and was kind of a mess.
I had the bright idea to work in an old Jack suit a size smaller than what I wore at the last meet. Problem was we were working up on a cambered bar squat with chains, which is already a difficult exercise technique wise. The weight is irrelevant here because I couldn't get my technique right the whole day, and while nothing felt heavy, all of the sets were slow and ugly because I kept getting into my knees.
While I do think this gear combo can work, this was not the right exercise to try it out with. I probably won't even worry about it for my next meet in September because the priority is to qualify for the XPC Finals. Since my pr total is well above the qualifying mark, I'd rather know I can break parallel than get the most possible weight out of my suit
Monday was a bench day, and the exercise was a 2 board press with a shirt. I didn't use my new beefed-up pro, and instead used another shirt in the King material. I don't love this shirt for full range benching, but I wanted to get some weight in my hands without unnecessarily stressing my meet shirt.
Worked up to 625, which felt a little heavy. This was fine because I have a couple of months to regain my top end, and get more work in my new shirt.
No raw workouts this week. My wife had a few days off, so we instead spent some family time together, and took the kid to a couple of local water parks. I personally could care less about water parks. To me it's just a lot of time walking around in the heat, sharing the wave pool with 5,000 guys from the Bronx. My kid however thinks water parks are the greatest place on earth, and I get a huge kick out of watching him have at it. I swear the kid has no fear, and although he's not quite 3, he'll demand to get on the biggest nastiest slides he can. Good times.