I can't scroll Ig and not see the covenant motivation post. People even make a living off of talking loud and fast- telling how you must want it, and you have to want it bad. Pre-workouts, jet fuel coffees, those fancy brain pills, and whatever else is out there to get you going. Don't get me wrong I love every one of those things mentioned above, but my training isn't or would be affected by lack of those.
My absolute favorite is the person commenting on someones lifting video, "man watching this has me pumped I'm ready to go deadlift now" If I could put emojis in this it be eye roll, or a thumbs up, cause that at least looks like masturbating hand motions. This shit is out of hand; It's February 3rd, I had to bench heavy today- I walked in the gym flat as a ten-speed bike tire with me riding it. My training partner (Joe Sullivan) says if you're about it you're about it, fuck motivation.
We ALL have a list of excuses we could use to justify not showing up, or showing up and not putting out the prescribed intensity. That's what separates good from the great, drive- you committed to something and no matter what you're going to send it, and send it hot. One day it'll come to a head, and you'll either understand this isn't for you, or you will man the fuck up and make it happen, no matter the circumstances surrounding your outside life. If you have a bad and skip the gym, that shit will become a habit, learn to use it. I get the same way with being flat, "oh yeah you fucking pussy body, watch this."
Motivation is a temporary, fleeting feeling, it might be a day, a week, a month, but you WILL find yourself unmotivated. You'll see yourself wanting to quit. You might hate it, you might think it's stupid, but I promise you, the more you put into this, the more you'll get out of it. We all hurt, we all have personal issues, we breathe air and bleed blood just like you. Only because you see a 30-second clip of "us" doing crazy shit doesn't mean we're these hyper-motivated athletes. Fuck, being all the way 100, some of "us" are miserable, depressed, anxious weirdos, but one thing you can guarantee, we're not quitters.
Driven, obsessed egomaniacs, living for nine attempts, pushing the envelope hoping to tack enough healthy training cycles back to back to do something dope. Those nine attempts probably mean too much to me, to those like me, but those nine attempts have saved me some nights.
I don't know- fuck motivation, (very motivating writeup- hypocrisy at it's finest lol) I've learned more about myself under that bar, more than in any other experience in my life, work hard help others be rewarded. That's it, let your desire to be better drive you to the shit you don't want to do when life is kicking you in the dick, and you'll be able to look yourself in the mirror win, lose, or draw and say I gave it my all-- and that's important.
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