..As I have discussed with various guests on my Podcast, Mental Health is a very multi-faceted issue, in which I believe the best chances for success come from taking an approach that factors in all of the components of the biopsychosocial model (which includes tools such as nutritional interventions, potential medical interventions, spiritual counseling (and the list goes on).
Because my current expertise and area of education is as an Exercise Physiologist (and former emergency medical professional), and my column for EliteFTS is often in a research review format; the educational info I speak to personally tends to focus on the physiological aspects of Mental Health because that is my strength (and scope of practice). Even on the committees that I serve on at my institution such as The Eating Disorder Support Team and Anxiety & Stress Reduction Committee, I am there to serve as the exercise and wellness professional.
That being said, (and I think the guests I have on my Podcast illustrate this), the other more behavioral and spiritual components of Mental Health care are very important and shouldn't be lost in the shuffle of the physiological material I write on.
An analogy I like that emphasizes the importance of both the physical and the mental sides of care is equating counseling/therapy to seeds, and your physical health being the soil.. If the soil is bad, the seeds won't grow as well, but if the soil is made healthier (my role), and then counselors can plant the right seeds, now we've got a good combination for success. Both are so important to growing from all fronts.
I wanted to emphasize this because I have had a few people ask me why I don't write more content on the counseling side/perspective, and it is simply because at this point that isn't my role. As I move forward and become licensed as a counselor, I will write and speak to this area more, and in the meantime, I will keep bringing the best of the best on my Podcast so you have the best info you can get on all areas of care. Stay strong and keep fighting!
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