March 3rd, 2018 I squatted 940, and haven't touched a barbell since. I decided to take some time off and address some weakness and get a little bigger, faster, stronger. As cheesy as that sounds it's just the truth.
I being me wanted to jump right into some 600 pounds plus stuff and get right back at it, after being talked off the ledge I decided against it.
I took 415 for three doubles- finding new notches on my belt, and going naked knee things felt good. For the first time in a long time a weight normally a warm-up felt heavy. It really puts what we do into perspective.
The sets moved great, and I went on to accessory work which was all the new stuff I've had thrown at me over the last 16 weeks, shit id rather not do but have been pushed by a special someone who isn't afraid to tell me, I'm, weak.
All in all in was a good start back, writing this days later I will say my lower back was sore which may or may not be from the squats. I can say it felt good getting under that bar. Sliding the arms in hearing that bang, the noise of the rack opening, plates clattering together as if they were some meathead windchimes- just magical.
I'm back- time to get strong(er)