Thurs, 17 Nov 16
Block 8, Wave 2 - Snatch/Assistance I
First and foremost, I would like to say "do a good job" to all the athletes competing at Maryland's Strongest Man on Saturday. I think there are 130 or so in total between men, women, novice, and open divisions, which is absolutely outstanding. Remember if you are cutting weight - no matter how bad you think it is, it is most definitely NOT the worst day ever.
complex x 45
complex x 75
3x145 - Missed 3rd rep to the front for no reason whatsoever.
More work just getting getting my groove back. I'll start to actually monitor volume and intensity for snatch and clean and jerk in my next training block.
Log C&J (clean once)
complex x 90
complex x 140
I have been meaning to try out some different gear combinations for log and I keep forgetting every single time so I did it today for the sole reason that I actually remembered during training instead of after.
Cross Body Rows
20ea x 90
20ea x 180
20ea x 270
Did these today with the reverse hyper to get some extra stretch in the right side of my trunk, which has been tight recently, probably due to the extra sitting I've been doing the last few weeks with studying and driving. The weight wasn't much til the last set, but all three sets had the desired effect of stretching what was tight, and what I had not been able to get a good stretch on with more traditional methods.
Reverse Hypers/Paused Hanging Leg Raise/DB External Rotation
2x{15x180/10xBW/15ea x 5}
KB Complex
2 rounds of:
10x Double Arm C&P
10x Double Arm Front Squat
10x Grave Diggers
10ea x Bent Press
10ea x Alternate Arm Swings
This was rough, which is shameful. I used to bust this out for 3 rounds with 44s and I struggled through 2 rounds with 35s today. I even briefly considered dropping to 25s or just doing one round during/after the first time through, but then my better judgement sounded off and told me to get my fecal matter together and clear my hooha of sand. As much as I love prowler work, I will be doing KB complexes at least once a week now until I am back up to what I consider a respectable level of conditioning.