Before leaving Canada, I traded one of my bars for a new set of Prime RO-T8 handles. I had tried them at the gym and loved them, they have a similar feel to the MAG grip handles but are much more versatile since they come as a pair.
We ran into a problem once we arrived in Florida though. The gym we train at only has single cable machines, so we put in an order for the PRIME RO-T8 LONG BAR. It's a long bar, that's for sure, I most likely won't be using the max width and would have been happy with the short bar, but I'm a small human and we anticipate a lot of gym members will enjoy using it too.
I've been a big fan of the MAG grips for a long time, and these really do have a similar feel grip wise. The Prime grips allow for rotation as well, which feels even better, not only for the grip but on the shoulders as well. The only con is the long bar will move quite a bit, so you either need to control your reps, or be prepared for a bit of a tsunami feel.
On the same order as the long bar, we got the SPUD INC BLACK LONG AB STRAP. I had never used this until my stay in Calgary and started using it for tricep extensions and face pulls. Man oh man, I love it. For tricep extensions, you have room to keep your shoulders back and locked in through the entire motion. You can either grip the handles or slide your hands through the strap and eliminate grip from the equation. Same idea for face pulls, you can go wider and imagine pulling the strap apart (which fries my delts), and again you can slide your hands through the strap (like the video below), eliminating grip, which stops me from heaving and looking like I'm doing a new style of twerking during face pulls.