My brief overview of what I am attempting to do can be found more in-depth on Julia's Coaching blog. Take the basics on conjugate, ME, DE, RE will be used and Triphasic Training principles will be inserted into the supplemental portion and RE portion of our training. Will it work? we will find out at the end of this 9-week accumulation!

*SSB Wide Stance Slightly High Box Squats + 4-8 Chains max 3:
 495 +8
*Drop Weight 30% then 3x5 with 5 seconds negative: 345 + 8
*Seated SSB GM’s 3x10:
*Band Around Hips RDL 3x8:
*Planks - up for 10, down for 5, 10 times, 3 rounds: Time

So the ME movement for today is (Listed Above), I got some feedback on social media regarding box squats. It was mentioned that I "tap" the box and go and that I also do not rock back. I argued that it was not a "tap" but a firm plant and then firing off the box. After further watching the videos my last 2 sets BEFORE my top set were solid plant's where my top set was too much of a tap and go which I was not very happy about. I also noticed I was not getting my butt to plant on the box but more so my hamstrings, a better job needs to be done to make sure my tail is touching firmly before firing off the box. MY OPINION, in box squatting, there should be no "rocking" while on the box. I do not see the value of turning off the hip flexors (rocking) and then activating them again to fire off the box (being static overcome by Dynamic). The way I view this properly being done is planting on the box WITHOUT MOVEMENT in an isometric hold (static) THEN firing off the box. This will build explosive starting strength similar to a floor press. I understand the purpose and value of what is being requested when one rocks back but it is kind of like the side effects of new drugs in the health care system that are coming out. For the MAJORITY of lifters, there are more side effects than fixes with the drug in its desired use aka most people are going to learn poor movement patterns in the hole of a squat that I see all too often with raw lifters who barely even use a box for squatting.

What I struggled to do in these videos:
1- sitting back into the box
I punked out in my heavier 2 sets keeping my upper back too vertical. I actually broke at the knees first like someone from the IPF
2- getting my glutes to the box, I will say you can physically SEE my hamstrings staying contracted while on the box which is a sure sign my glutes are tight. Regardless, didn't get my butt to the box