Well, were about a week into the new year, and not much has changed, except benching today was decent. I've left the last three or four upper training days with noticeable bruising on either pec. The last couple months have just been a shit show- I'm dinged up like a 86 ford escort in a hail storm. Nevertheless, the show must go on.
I worked up to 445 x 2 x 4; the timing was off I've been putting some weight back on and like I stated above my pecs hate me.
I ended up taking a 5thset which I haven't done very much, being duct taped together makes it hard to "go all out." I got ten reps, and I believe my best with that weight is 11 so not too far off.
I followed the main work up with two sets of 15 with 315 and the red shoulder saver pad.
Finished with some tris and shoulder, some light back and called it a day.