Thurs, 17 Oct 19

Block 3, Week 5, Day 2 - DE OH/BP

Chain AmBar Split Jerks (2 sets)

complex x 40 - Add chains




Even though these felt good, I really need to get back to doing WL first to work technique and warmup better.

SG Rows/L. Raises/Band Facepulls



3x{8x225/12x25/20x light band}

I've fallen out of the good routine I was in prior to this block of training.  Crappy diet, virtually no cardio, and shortened training sessions.  I need to get my head out of my ass and do a better job before I have to do it one step at a time like I did earlier this year.

As such, goals for next week:

train 3x

cardio 2x

at least 5 days without eating garbage

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