Stand up paddleboarding 55 minutes
Saucy 16 warm up
Incline bench with football bar 250/290/330x5
Speed sets 250 5x3
Dips w/light bandx10, w/minix10 rest pause set 15/7/3
Football bar tri ext barx10 rest pause set 95 15/10/4
Barbell upright rows 95 3x10 w/10 second rest between sets
Dumbbell kickbacks 30 1x20
That now makes it 5 lbs in 4 days. That's better than I expected. I have not cut my calories drastically. I'm at right around 2600, but no sneaky calories. You know, those calories nobody sees you eat. Yeah those still count.
Training is going pretty well. Still working on my back and hip issue. However, getting on the incline for my other bench day really helps. Setting up in an arch two days a week is just too tough on my body. This is a nice alternative. Plus, the football bar saves my pecs, shoulders, and biceps tendons. Still sticking with the rest pause assistance for now.
Conditioning was awesome. Stand up paddleboarding burns a lot of calories even at just a leisurely pace. Jess and I got out really early. Unfortunately it was low tide. We had to walk out with our boards for what felt like miles. What was really cool is that we went out a lot further than usual. We got to circle around the coast to another beach. Plus we saw some really wild looking fish.
With each pound I lose my physical and mental being seem better. Although I must admit, I do get hungry at times. Such is the life of a food addict.
Oh yeah, what's the trick, there is none. There's no easy path so if you are looking for one, stop. Start with some hard work and sprinkle in some consistency. That's how goals are reached.