I have always been a huge fan of incline barbell or db bench-pressing. This movement is great for adding mass and power to the anterior deltoids, pecs and the long head of the triceps. Grip can vary just like on the flat bench from narrow, medium and wide grips. Today I used a close grip with high volume to really work my tris and peck. This also helps alleviate my shoulders taking too much punishment.
On tap again today is 100 solid controlled reps. I also used the fat bar for this which I love. Consistent use of a fat bar on accessory bench press movements such as incline and floor press really test my grip and balance more and make me concentrate on the bar movement and speed. When I go back to a regular bar it feels like a toothpick in my hand and I like that feeling.
Here's what I did:
Incline Fatbar Bench-Press
1 x bar - 2
1 x 135 - 2
1 x 185 - 2
1 x 225 - 2
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
1 x 275 - 10
Assisted Pullups
100 reps and these sucked!
Push Ups
100 reps
T Bar Rows
100 reps
Overhead Tricep Ext with DB
100 reps - used 40 pound db
•3/4 Cup Natural Peanut Butter
•2 Eggs
•2 Tablespoons Whole Wheat Flour
•1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
•1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
•3/4 Cup Splenda or Stevia
•1/4 Cup Sugar Free Jelly or Preserves
Combine all of the cookie ingredients except for the jelly in a medium sized bowl. Stir well until fully combined. Roll into twenty 1 inch balls and place on a parchment covered cookie sheet. Press into the center of each cookie with your thumb. Place about 1/2 tsp of jelly in each center. Bake in a preheated 350 degree (F) oven for 11 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool before removing from baking sheet and enjoy!
Yields: About 20 cookies
•Calories – 80 kCal
•Fat – 4G
•Carbohydrate – 5G
•Protein – 5G