After my meet, I went home to the motherland of Yonkers, New York for PESACH. For some reason I was sacrificed by my cousins and put in charge of leading the seder which I opened with a monologue of passover puns which were mostly musically related and then they went downhill and became mildly obscene at which point I decided we should get into the Jewish part. Don't worry there is a video of this dumpster fire somewhere.
I didn't train that week and ate quinoa with my parents and when I got back to Columbus I was down like 6 lbs.
I did some high rep shit the week I got back then the weekend was the seminar which was AMAZING and I will devote a whole post to.
I was waiting until I sat down to talk with Dave about my short term future before I unveiled it to you, the public.
We talked about what worked, what didn't work, and what I need to focus on going forward. We will be putting together a more detailed plan in the coming weeks but here is the overview:
Squat peaking cycle: worked pretty well. I was less overall beat up than I have been in the past. I started to feel fucked up the last 3/4 weeks as opposed to like 6 weeks out which is when I normally start to feel shitty. Ended up with a squat PR and the only reason I didn't squat more was because I fucked up my second attempt and made it look harder than it should. And my third was based on that. But a 20 lb PR.
Bench: Went pretty well considering I finally hit more than my opener but still needs work. I had trouble touching on my opener and my elbows are still fucked up. I was only in the shirt twice this cycle.
Deadlift: boy howdy this one kind of sucks. This will come in 2 parts:
1) technique work. I need to start with my shoulders a little farther back so I don't end up in a shitty position when I am past my knees. I tried working on it before the meet but I didn't start working on it soon enough so it wasn't really entrenched by the time I got to the meet.
2) my bod. I seriously need to get a stronger upper/mid back and stronger butt/hips.
The next month or two will be focused on hypertrophy and trying to fix my glaring weaknesses namely: hips/butt and upper/mid back. I have been talking to a lot of people about exercises to try and have gotten some great ideas from Dave, Joe, and my buddy Matt. So I will be implementing some classic and not so classic booty blaster routines for that bubble butt that will not make me miss 450 for the third time in a row.
Also I am going to eat a fuck ton and try and get fucking HUGEEHUEEEEGEGGUGEEGGUHUGEEEEEE.
Once I have a more detailed plan I will let you all know but until then, this is what's going on with my bod.