5 a.m. I'm up getting dressed, and out the door.
6 a.m. I'm at breakfast at Bob Evans; trust me as an SHW; this isn't my first rodeo with Bobs. The thing making this trip stand out is Seated to my right, is one of the most intense powerlifters to grace the platform and a man who probably forgot more than I know about powerlifting is buying breakfast and sitting across from me.
I knew the morning would be M.E. upper, but that was all I knew. My mind was racing as I was scarfing down my everything breakfast, a fucking free meal, and training under one of if not the best coaches in the game. In a facility that as pumped out numerous ATWR holders, no need to mention this but for writing purposes- I was fucking pumped.
6:45 a.m. breakfast is finished and were on our way a few blocks away to train.
7 a.m. no rolling around, no small talk, nothing but some gorillas milling about and within in 10 minutes we were lined up at the bench under the covenant chalkboard you see and hear so much about. Double over purple bands and a bench bar and were off. I ended up with the top set of that morning 430 plus the doubled over purples, and that's how I saw it going, I wasn't coming in half-assed I came ready to win, and let guys know I'm there to battle.
We rolled with a pace that's foreign to me and hit accessories with the same authority- I got in my truck and thought holy shit, now that's how it should be- followed by the thought of damn I'm going to get strong as fuck. Makes you think about the dynamic of having training partners that are like minded. Today was a day that I wouldn't be able to duplicate alone or anywhere else.
You can only think and assume how things work, but until you jump into them feet first, you have no idea. I have an idea now, and it's what I need, excited to win every chance I get.