Today was my first day back benching like a big boy- not a fat joke. I worked up to 485 last week (well two weeks ago) I had to take a week off of training cause life gets weird. Anywho, I took the 485 and set my program off that number.

I'm going with 70% for triples; I need all the learning time I can get, so triples will help bring that muscle memory back, and incorporate volume. This will be for four sets, and as for right now on my fifth set I'll set a number at 15, which I hit, but won't go past until my body is acclimated to the load again.

To be honest, I was excited and didn't warm up properly I went:

Bar- 1 set of 50 1 set of 25

135- 1 set of 20

225- 1 set of 10

275- 1 set of 8

My working sets were at 300, which I did

300- 4 sets of 3

The fifth set I maxed at 15 as I predetermined.


This is where the proverbial cupcake hit the fan.

Push-ups- I did 20 sets of ten with minimal rest, all 20 sets were completed in 15 minutes, I'm no good will hunting over here, but that's like a set every 30 seconds.

Band pull aparts- 4 sets of 25

rear delt machine- 4 sets of 25

That's a wrap; I woke up wrecked from that, I'm going to keep push-ups on deck, I feel like its slept on, we shall see the carryover or lack thereof- either way, I'm keeping them.