Strained my pec a week or so prior, so I was forced to overhead press. Fortunately, I was 100 percent pain free.
I warmed up with 3x15 reverse hyper , pretty light to help my back out.
Z Press (as I see people call it. I usually refer to it as seated OH Pin Press)
I supersetted every set of OH Press with 5 wide grip pullups, which left my lats pretty sore the next day.
3x5 @ 135 lbs
2x3 reps x 155
2x2 reps x 185
1 rep x 2 sets @ 205 lbs
DB Shoulder Press (had the bench very slightly declined) 3x10 @ 100 lbs.
Seated Cable Rows 3x20
Machine Tri Overhead Ext. 3x20
3x25 standing cable abs.
First upper body workout in about 10 days. It felt great to be back !