Foundation still lags but building off of this training phase I am not upset about one bit.
Squat Transition
Squat Transition
Make the most of it and learn.
Bench Transition
Bench Transition
Bench will help my bench. Consistency will help it improve. Extensions will get me jacked.
Tomorrow is meet day
Tomorrow is meet day
It will be a good day tomorrow I'm just not sure how good.
keep moving
keep moving
last week before the meet
Heavy(ish) bench
Heavy(ish) bench
easy 411lb single
Close Stance Low box Squat
Close Stance Low box Squat
sore hips from this one
One Day Out
One Day Out
In case you were wondering
Lower Training - box squats
Lower Training - box squats
Lower Training - box squatting in briefs with an SSBar
Leg Training
Leg Training
Back with the nasty blood flow restriction combination!
Back & Biceps Workout
Back & Biceps Workout
Decided to use a T-Nation Dead-Squat bar today!
Week 5 Day 3 - Off Season Training - OHP....
Week 5 Day 3 - Off Season Training - OHP....
Deadlift Transition
Deadlift Transition
My deadlift transition from the beginning of training until meet day. I can also use this as a reference for the next phase of training. #bebetter
Two days out - Arrived in Tampa
Two days out - Arrived in Tampa
How I'm feeling and such
One Motherfucking Week Out
One Motherfucking Week Out
Pretty much the most training I did was getting stuck in a deadlift suit
Hatfield Squats Are Tough
Hatfield Squats Are Tough
Deloading and becoming ready for the next phase
Toilet thoughts
Toilet thoughts
Water cuts mean plenty of time to think on the potty
Am I a strongman yet?
Am I a strongman yet?
Still pushing heavy farmers and RDLs.

Items 2061 to 2080 of 13402 total