Wk 11 Day 2: Max Effort bench doubles
Wk 11 Day 2: Max Effort bench doubles
2018 has come and gone. In the first few weeks of 2019, you'll read about me drinking and putting in a freaking floor. Why is this even relevant to training? It's not! Right now, I'm in a GPP phase which means I'm working out and away from powerlifting. So, you can get some new ideas of ways to train and
Diets and Deadlifts
Diets and Deadlifts
Also, IF I win the lottery tonight ($1.6 billion at date of publication), I promise to do something.....
"Deficit" OHP
"Deficit" OHP
A wake up call from the axle
Battle of the Reverse Bands
Battle of the Reverse Bands
My title is funny because we did a lot of reverse bands this weekend AND I made up band names for a lot of people in this so it works on multiple levels. OK? Also did you know stand presses are a real exercise not just fake floor presses for decrepit powerlifters who can't make it to the floor?
Sunday LEGS
Sunday LEGS
I have to be better.
Saturday has always been squat day
Saturday has always been squat day
squats and some reverse band work
Back & Biceps
Back & Biceps
MAG, bands, active recovery and supersets.
Wk11 Day 1: another day off (Vlog)
Wk11 Day 1: another day off (Vlog)
Steps and instructions given on my process back under max loads.
Lower Assistance
Lower Assistance
Coming back for more nonsense
Upper Assistance
Upper Assistance
Tying to regroup after getting butt slammed on squats
Bench / Upper Body
Bench / Upper Body
Accessories with my new teammate. Today was fun.
floor press
floor press
pushing and rowing
phase 3 week 1
phase 3 week 1
making progress
Last Bench 575x1
Last Bench 575x1
Finding pounds where I can
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chains, band and supersets in this workout.

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