Wk4 Day1: Spider Bar Doubles with Double Bands - 2018 APF/AAPF IL Raw Power Challenge
Wk4 Day1: Spider Bar Doubles with Double Bands - 2018 APF/AAPF IL Raw Po...
*Spider Bar + Double Bands Max 3: 515 + green
 *Drop Weight 30% then 3x5 with 3 second pause: 365 
*Seated Round Back DB GM’s 3x10: 80 
*DB Hip Thrusters + 3 count Hold 3x12:
 *SSB Shrugs 10 reps + 5 hold =1 3x:
 *FatBell Single Arm Overhead Carries: heavy FB AMAZING TRAINING SESSION ON […]
Long Ass Day - Pulls & Squats
Long Ass Day - Pulls & Squats
Lotta training
Main Bench Day
Main Bench Day
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Heavier HBT today felt awesome.
Back & Biceps
Back & Biceps
Couple great exercise alternatives with kettlebells today.
Technique vs Strength
Technique vs Strength
Before you blame strength, check your technique.
5 Relationship Lessons
5 Relationship Lessons
A fair mashup of cliche dating advice and practical practices.
Boss of Bosses V
Boss of Bosses V
Quick recap
Week 5 Day 2 - Uh not Pulling today....
Week 5 Day 2 - Uh not Pulling today....
Always something but being smarter is something too....
More deficit pulls 765x1
More deficit pulls 765x1
Short on time, short on rest, but it gets done
Deadlift and speed squat
Deadlift and speed squat
pulls and speed squatting
New Bench! (Video)
New Bench! (Video)
speed benching in my garage.
Max Effort Upper
Max Effort Upper
floor pressing
Squatting at Elitefts
Squatting at Elitefts
squat and DL with video
Blast Strap Beach Training
Blast Strap Beach Training
And yes, I'm aware of the 16 ft tiger shark that was just caught from the pier in Nags Head - thanks Gregg
Feel weak. I’m using training as an outlet, not a purpose right now. Hopefully soon I’ll get back into the swing of things.

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