Wk4 Day1: Spider Bar Doubles with Double Bands - 2018 APF/AAPF IL Raw Po...
*Spider Bar + Double Bands Max 3: 515 + green
*Drop Weight 30% then 3x5 with 3 second pause: 365
*Seated Round Back DB GM’s 3x10: 80
*DB Hip Thrusters + 3 count Hold 3x12:
*SSB Shrugs 10 reps + 5 hold =1 3x:
*FatBell Single Arm Overhead Carries: heavy FB AMAZING TRAINING SESSION ON […]
Blast Strap Beach Training
And yes, I'm aware of the 16 ft tiger shark that was just caught from the pier in Nags Head - thanks Gregg
Feel weak. I’m using training as an outlet, not a purpose right now. Hopefully soon I’ll get back into the swing of things.