Week 2 Day 3 - Getting Jacked....
The month of August is in full swing for Joey, his family, and Team Nebo. Coming home after his honeymoon in the Bahamas, he looks forward to seeing his 18-year old daughter leave for college at East Tennesse State, preparing his team for the IPA Worlds Championships (September 22-23), and regaining his health while checking off a few bucket list
Deadlift vs. doubled mini's / 14 weeks out from WPO
Deadlift vs. doubled mini's / 14 weeks out / Briefed up
Bench Training - 28 weeks post-op / 14 weeks out from WPO
Bench Training - 28 weeks post-op / 14 weeks out from WPO
Hard Bench Session with the Duffalo
Doing my best to stay healthy and not get hurt throughout this entire training cycle
Week 5 and 6 day 2: "Get the bar to where you need to train biceps&...
restructuring the way i attack my bench issues
Upper Body
Benched Sunday at learn to Train. I was surprised with two puppies and never got around accessory work. I’m not mad about it.
Power-Building Wk6 Day1: 3x3 heavy clusters
When you are grinning cause you already know whats going to happen