More incline bench
Incline Bench 405x3 365x4 365x4 365x4 365x4 Spoto Bench 455x2 455x2 455x2 415x4 415x4 Floor press 365x6 365x6 365x6 KB upright Row 30x15 30x15 30x15
Deadlifts 7/21/2018 - Block Pulls and Front Squats
What I need to work on to be better at block pulls
Visit to River City Barbell
Checking out some different Powerlifting Gyms to train at on the weekends.
Squat Reload Day w/ Cambered Bar / 16 weeks out from WPO / 2 Weeks out f...
Squat Reload Day w/ Cambered Bar / 16 weeks out from WPO / 2 Weeks out from LTTX