Jumping and Light Snatch Work
Work schedule is constantly in flux, but I was able to get it in today
Turning 25 years old
It was my birthday and i didn't train! I needed a rest day and we planned a party with friends. Every now and again we need days to unwond and do something other than training.
I Did Not Compete at the US Open
I got too sick. It sucks. And it hurts my fucking heart. But after this update I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself. I cannot keep going on like this. I will be back.
Learn to Think for Yourself
How to stop being a reactionary snowflake and start being a real boy or girl
Back Day
I did every machine in the gym. Just trying to move and not feel like a piece of shit/ Really struggling this week but I'll be back.
If you haven't read it yet: "How Student-Athletes Can Support ...
Guidelines for Teammates, Coaches, and Administrators.
I think I've finally figured out a training schedule format that wi...
Working on a good setup that will fit with all the extra work on the weekends and traveling's impact on recovery - I think this will work well.
Maximum Dynamical Effortus Repititous for Tug-a-lugs
Andy wins United States Strongman Nationals 2018! Along with the win, he is invited to 105-kilogram World's Strongest Man in Finland at the beginning of August. Read how he continues to climb the ranks of Strongman as Physical Therapy School takes a front seat.
Pause Squats: 05/29/2018
11 days out, so taking things easy from this point on with squats. Pause work today FELT AWESOME. Like awesome awesome. I am really happy with how things are shaping up. Pause Squat: Bar x8 135x5 185x5 225x5 265x5 285x3x5 GHR: 5x10 Single Leg Leg Press: 5x10 Leg Ext: 3x20 Walking Lunges: 3x20 steps Went […]
Main Bench - 5/28/2018
After moving across the country to focus on school and training, Meana is putting all of her energy into filling any gaps in her training, nutrition, and education. Eighteen weeks out from her next competition (in Miami, Florida), she's building her base, trying new implements, and enjoying hiking in the Rocky Mountains.
High Bar Squat and Conditioning
High Bar 405x10 405x10 405x10 405x10 Leg Press 20 20 20 20 20 Goblet Squats 20 20 20 20 20 Pushing the Prowler until I didn't feel like living anymore
Bench Training / 17 weeks post-op / 25 weeks out
Bench Training and benching 3 digits! w/ video clip
Duffalo Close Grip Bench
Just going through the motions Duffalo Bench 325x8 325x8 325x8 Incline DB 50x20 50x20 50x20 50x20 Flat DB Press 80x10 80x10 80x10 80x10