April 2018 Week 2 - Day 1: Rack Pulls up to 445x10
Slowly increasing weight on slow-and-controlled rack pulls.
Note to Self: Logic Prevails
(i.e. training in the morning will subsequently impact a second training session on the afternoon)
Wk8 Day1: Reverse Band Cambered Bar, Round Two
After competing at IPA's North Carolina State Powerlifting Championships (meet report in training log), Anto is settling back to managing life priorities. This month, watch as he transitions to a new life (moves from Tennessee to Illinois), starts work at a new training facility, and trains with a newfound purpose.
Squat vs Average Bands
Squats out of mono (all sets with bands) Bands x 5 135x5 225x5 275x3 315x2 365x1 405x1 I haven't squatted vs bands for awhile. The last couple sets were pretty heavy. I planned to squat in my briefs again, but didn't have a whole lot of help tonight, so I just squatted raw. I can […]