Max Effort Lower/Rehab: Keeping The Legs On Maintenance
Max Effort Lower/Rehab: Keeping The Legs On Maintenance
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 8, Day 4 - 2.8.18
Sometimes you have to take a step back to take two steps forward.
SSB Squats
SSB Squats
SSB is a tough mofo and your weaknesses are more apparent.
lower work and an old friend 02.28.18
lower work and an old friend 02.28.18
Arnold, and others, come to Columbus
I love squat day 02.24.18
I love squat day 02.24.18
free squats...yep no box today
02.22.18 MRI day
02.22.18 MRI day
hoping this is only a half step back
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Floor Press, Round 3
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Floor Press, Round 3
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 8, Day 3 - 2.7.18
Week 14 Dynamic Lower
Week 14 Dynamic Lower
Box squat, briefs, Duffalo bar 385x2x9 sets against average bands (160#) 495x1, 605x1, 605x1, 655x1 I plan on working up to a heavy single as often as possible as part of my Dynamic effort day. And my other squat day, I guess my "raw" squat day, I will be working on some CAT style squats. […]
Extra Upper: Squeezing Out Another Quick Accessory Day
Extra Upper: Squeezing Out Another Quick Accessory Day
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 8, Day 2 - 2.5.18
Week 14 Bench
Week 14 Bench
Solid bench day
Week 14 Squats
Week 14 Squats
Better squats, but still some issues to work through...
Max Effort Upper: Determining My Openers
Max Effort Upper: Determining My Openers
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 8, Day 1 - 2.3.18
Quick Picks for the Month of January 2018
Quick Picks for the Month of January 2018
The best training articles that kicked off the new year.
Week 10 & 11 - Openers Week and Deload Week....
Week 10 & 11 - Openers Week and Deload Week....
I got to get some jabs in ASAP....
Deload Deadlifts
Deload Deadlifts
Thank god for deloads, burgers, and the american dream
upper training - 4 weeks post-op day 3
upper training - 4 weeks post-op day 3
-treadmill 1 Arm DB Bench 50 x 10 x 2 70 x 10 90 x 10 100 x 10 x 3 1 arm Rope Pressdown 45 x 10 x 4 DB Lateral 25 x 15 x 3 30 x 15 x 2   DB training. 37 weeks out. #persist #eliteftsresilient #elitefts #beard #skullsmashammonia #builtwithbrokenpieces A […]
lower training - ssbar squat - 4 weeks post-op day 2
lower training - ssbar squat - 4 weeks post-op day 2
leg training 4 weeks post-op day 2
lower work 02.20.18
lower work 02.20.18
belt squat day.

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