Bench - There Still Is Hope
Bench - There Still Is Hope
The bench is working, for now.
Benching at Westside
Benching at Westside
training at westside barbell
Safety Squat bar single
Safety Squat bar single
a nice 15lb ssb squat PR
Week 7 Day 4 - Raw Squat Training with VIDEO....
Week 7 Day 4 - Raw Squat Training with VIDEO....
We don't grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges....
briefs on 02.03.18
briefs on 02.03.18
6 months later back in some gear
Rack Pulls and Light Sumos 02/3/2018
Rack Pulls and Light Sumos 02/3/2018
Something about rack pulls
Super Seminar & Strongman Saturday (w/ Video)
Super Seminar & Strongman Saturday (w/ Video)
Helping others and then helping myself
Carroll vs Doberdick
Carroll vs Doberdick
I win
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Failure and multiple supersets in this workout.
Tugging and Tugging Only
Tugging and Tugging Only
Pretending to pick up a car
Max Effort Upper: 1 Board Work In The Shirt
Max Effort Upper: 1 Board Work In The Shirt
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 4, Day 2 - 1.6.18
Max Effort/Rehab Lower: A Quick, Grueling Lower Body Evening
Max Effort/Rehab Lower: A Quick, Grueling Lower Body Evening
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 4, Day 1 - 1.5.18
Dynamic Effort Upper: New Speed Bench Wave
Dynamic Effort Upper: New Speed Bench Wave
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 3, Day 6 - 1.3.18
Wk 9 Day 3: Competition Stance
Wk 9 Day 3: Competition Stance
Finally pulling sumo after taking 9 weeks off
Secondary Squat - Front Squat - 2/1/2018
Secondary Squat - Front Squat - 2/1/2018
Note to self - Don't fall on ice
Brief Video Walkthrough of the Unit
Brief Video Walkthrough of the Unit
I huff and puff my way through a rundown of home base for event training
Back and Biceps
Back and Biceps
Unique hand position, drop set, superset and extended sets all in this workout.
Bodybuilding Day: Leg Work Garage Gym Style
Bodybuilding Day: Leg Work Garage Gym Style
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 3, Day 5 - 1.2.18

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