Bodybuilding Day: Delts and Biceps
Bodybuilding Day: Delts and Biceps
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 3, Day 4 - 1.1.18
Quick Picks for the Month December 2017
Quick Picks for the Month December 2017
All the stuff from December you might have missed.
Training - Back/Arms
Training - Back/Arms
Enough with the bodybuilding...back at it Saturday!
Note To Self
Note To Self
Nothing wrong with some self reflection. Don’t be afraid of what you discover...
Week 10 Squats
Week 10 Squats
first week of zerchers went well
few minutes escape
few minutes escape
When I cant get out of my own head I watch this video, one of my all time favorites, and it helps keep me pushing forward...    
waking up 01.29.18
waking up 01.29.18
just when things were improving
training 01.28.18 kinda...
training 01.28.18 kinda...
left side weakness...built cheap.
Pressing.  On a Bench.  Using an Axle.  And Hanging Chains.  (w/ Video)
Pressing. On a Bench. Using an Axle. And Hanging Chains. (w/ Video)
If you use chains, you need EZ Loaders! The prevent getting a case of the ass.
01.25.18 hot water is good
01.25.18 hot water is good
hot water is expensive...
no training day 01.24.18
no training day 01.24.18
American Problems
Lower Accessory 01.23.18
Lower Accessory 01.23.18
trying to make some progress any where I can...
Week 7 Day 2 - Lower Supplemental Training....
Week 7 Day 2 - Lower Supplemental Training....
Wrapping knees has officially became a cardio movement for me....
San Diego, San Antonio, and Moscow
San Diego, San Antonio, and Moscow
Travel across the United States and potentially even further than that.
Box Squatting to Build the Deadlift
Box Squatting to Build the Deadlift
4 Tips for making sure your box squatting builds your Deadlift.
Saturday Legs
Saturday Legs
Hip Thrusters and BFR destroyed my legs on this workout.
Kettlebell Workshop #2 At Brenda's Fitness!
Kettlebell Workshop #2 At Brenda's Fitness!
Invited back to Live Learn and Pass On our Kettlebell passion.

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