Do Your Cardio and Get Stronger!
Do Your Cardio and Get Stronger!
At the worst it'll allow you to eat more!
The Best Laid Plans...
The Best Laid Plans...
Trying out some new stuff from a couple different coaches and still complaining about how sore I am because Man Pain!
North American Outlaw Kettlebell Club Is Back!
North American Outlaw Kettlebell Club Is Back!
After several months of a break, we back in the bell business to get leaner and healthier!
Bodybuilding Day: Shoulders and Some Bicep Work
Bodybuilding Day: Shoulders and Some Bicep Work
After sustaining multiple lower back injuries (primarily hip and SI issues) within the past year, Brandon’s focus has cornered the bench press. Follow along to see how he’s addressing lower body strength and size while prepping for the XPC Freakshow Bench Bash on March 4th (all while planning his wedding).
Dynamic Effort Upper: More Cambered Swiss Bar Speed Work
Dynamic Effort Upper: More Cambered Swiss Bar Speed Work
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 1, Day 3 - 12.20.17
Upper Day - Bench Stuff and surgery ahead
Upper Day - Bench Stuff and surgery ahead
Bench Training and surgery on the horizon
Bodybuilding Day: Leg Volume Work
Bodybuilding Day: Leg Volume Work
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 1, Day 2 - 12.19.17
Max Effort Upper: Start Of Meet Prep for XPC Bench Bash!
Max Effort Upper: Start Of Meet Prep for XPC Bench Bash!
XPC Bench Bash Meet Prep: Week 1, Day 1 - 12.18.17
Week 4 Day 1 - Upper Body Supplemental Training...
Week 4 Day 1 - Upper Body Supplemental Training...
Know when to walk away know when to run....
Working on Tugging Fast(er) with Video Comparison
Working on Tugging Fast(er) with Video Comparison
Plus how Nate Harvey wrecked my abs!
Lower Training - Deadlift Day and needing a change
Lower Training - Deadlift Day and needing a change
Lower Training - Deadlift day and needing a change
Back In The Bench Shirt!
Back In The Bench Shirt!
Still able to move the weight, easy 245 lbs !
Front Squats
Front Squats
Second squat session of the week
Bodybuilding Day: Arm Swole
Bodybuilding Day: Arm Swole
Off Season 8: Week 18, Day 2 - 12.15.17
Max Effort Lower/Rehab: Solid Leg Pump
Max Effort Lower/Rehab: Solid Leg Pump
Off Season 8: Week 18, Day 1 - 12.14.17
Clean Out The Pantry, Temptation Is The Root Of All Evil!
Clean Out The Pantry, Temptation Is The Root Of All Evil!
If It's not in the house you can't eat it.
Incline BB Pressing is Evil
Incline BB Pressing is Evil
Haven't done these in a long while
Why Your Current Training Success Isn't Actually from Your Current Program..
Why Your Current Training Success Isn't Actually from Your Current ...
While the current way you're training is certainly having an impact on your performance; what you have to realize is that when your strength performance is peaking in training, that is the result of 'realizing' the work you did in past training.
The world will beat you down. Your friends will beat you down. You will screw up and you will fail. None of that is permanent though, and if you continue on and be what you were meant to, it will not matter in the end because you will be victorious.

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