October 2nd-7th
Oct 9th. Had to take off sick meds were messing with me. Oct 10th Echo Bike. 6min. 1:64 of a mile KRAZY bell OHP.  Blue KB’s + 5lbs each side. 20/15/15/15 Pulldowns. (Prime Mid grip). 5x4.  Worked up to 190/230/280/300lbs Tricep Pressdowns.  3x8 October 11th. Treadmill.  6min.   Neck 90lbs 1x15 Oct 12th TTF LOWER WARM UP  Cambered Bar squats.  Worked […]
SEPT 25th-30th
Sept 25th TTF LOWER WARM UP Cambered Bar Squats.  Worked up to 500lbs Heavy Ab Pulldowns.  4x5.  Worked to stack last set Sept 26th TTF UPPER WARM UP KRAZY bell OHP.  Blue KB’s. 25,21,20,  Pulldowns. (Prime Mid grip). 5x5.  Worked up to 270lbs Sept 27th Took off had meeting and work Sept 28th Echo Bike. 6min. Got to 1:72 if […]
Sept 18th TTF LOWER WARM UP Cambered Bar Squats CAMBERED BAR SQUATS.  5x4.  Bar, 165, 235, 305, 345, 395, 432lbs SEPT 19th TTF UPPER WARM UP BAMBOO KRAZY PRESS. Blue KB’s. 4xfail. 25/20/20/20 Pulldowns. (Prime Mid grip). 5x5.  Worked up to 240lbs Sept 20th Treadmill 6min.  3:6mph for 4:20.  Then 4:6mph for 40sec Neck 1x15. 95lbs Ab PullDowns.  4x8 worked to […]
Sept 11th TTF LOWER WARM UP SS BOX SQUATS worked up to 515lbs Single leg curls 4x5 worked to 4plates Ab Pulldowns 3x5 worked to stack Sept 12th TTF UPPER ECHO Bike 6min. 1:69 of a mile DB mil 4x8.  55/65/75/85lbs DB low row 4x3.  100/120/130/140  ScareCrows 4x12 up to 6plates  Sept 13th Treadmill.  6min.  3:6mph for 5:20 and […]
August 28th-Sept 2
Aug 28th TTF Lower warm up Safety Bar Box Squats 5x4. 65LB Bar, 155, 225, 275, 325, 375lbs (Same as last time, still pulled hammy) LUNGE WALK.  3x5. BW, 10’s, 25’s Heavy Ab Pulldowns. 3x5. 12/17/20 Aug 29th TTF UPPER ECHO Bike 6min. 1:60 of a mile DB mil 4x12. 35/45/55/65  DB low row 4x5. 60/80/100/120lbs […]
Pivot Training, How To Keep The Train On The Tracks
Pivot Training, How To Keep The Train On The Tracks
Too often we are hellbent on our own destruction. This week's edition offers sage advice on how not to do that.
August 21st-26th
August 21st Squats.  Worked up to 475lbs slow and controlled rep.  Making sure hammy is healed Single Leg Curls. 3x6.  1plate August 22nd DB bench 5x4.  65/85/100/120lbs Prime Medium Pull downs. 5x4 White curl machine. 4x4 worked up to 9plate August 23rd Treadmill 6min.  3:6mph  Neck 1x15 with 95lbs AbCore 4x15 45lbs August 24th Echo Bike 1:69 of a mile. […]
August 14th-19th
August 14th TTF LOWER WARM UP Squats.  Worked up to 405lbs.  Slow reps, focused on not stressing the hamstring while getting some work in still. DB RDL 3x5. (Eccentric focus) work up to 50lbs  Bulgarian Split Squat. 3x5 work up to 30lb DB’s Heavy Ab Pull downs 3x5. Last set 17plate August 15 TTF UPPER WARM UP […]
Aug 7th TTF WARM UP Squats 5x4.  Worked up to 315lbs.  Weight was easy just focusing on keeping my torn hamstring from getting worse. Bulgarian Split Squats 3x5 BW KB RDL 3x5.  Worked to 50lb KB’s 3sec eccentric  Ab pulldowns  3x5.  Worked to 18 plate Aug 8th TTF UPPER WARM UP DB Incline bench 4x6.  Last 100 x 12 Hinge […]
AUGUST 1-5th
Aug 1st TTF LOWER WARM UP Cambered Bar Good Morning Worked up to 432x1.  Then went to 482lbs for single. Felt a pop right away. Stopped Aug 2nd TTF UPPER WARM UP DB Incline bench 3x8.  Up to 85lbs Hinge Pull-Downs 3x8.  Worked to stack  Bicep Machine 3x8. Aug 3rd Treadmill 6min. 3:6mph for 5min.  Then 4:6mph for 1min […]
July 24-29th
 July 24th TTF LOWER WARM UP Cambered Bar Good mornings  Worked up to 4plates (432lbs) x 2 Belt Squat worked up to 4plates each side for a double  Calves 3x12 w/90lbs July 25th TTF UPPER WARM UP KRAZY bell OHP SIT.  Blue + 10lbs each side 5xfail 7/8RPE each set Prime Handles close grip pulldowns  Worked […]
July 17th-22nd
July 17th TTF lower warm up Cambered bar. Work up to 345lbs x4 Belt Squat. Work up to 3plates each side x4 July 18th Echo Bike. 6min. 1:80 of a mile  TTF UPPER WARM UP KRAZY BELL OHP (Sit) 100reps Blues Prime Handles Pulldowns 5x4. worked up to 260lbs Bench Incline push ups 3x10 (Fail […]
July 10-15th
July 10th TTF UPPER WARM UP KRAZY BELL OHP (Sit) 100reps pinks  Prime Handles Pulldowns 5x5 worked up to 220lbs FatBar Incline push ups 3x12 (39reps last set) (SS) Curls 65lb bar 3x12 July 11th TTF LOWER WARM UP SS YOKE Squat Worked up to 475lbs single Prone Leg Curls 5x5 worked to 130lbs Heavy […]
July 3rd-8th
Was pretty sick this week. Had strep throat. When I get sick now I really get sick. Has to do with my immune system. Got some in though training wise. July 5th TTF warm up Incline Bench work up to heavy double. 65x5, 135x4, 185x3, 225x2,275x2,315x2 (1 more rep than last time doing 315 and […]
June 26th-July 1st
June 26th TTF lower warm up SS yoke Bar Squats 5x4.  Bar, 155, 225, 275, 325, 375lbs (most free squat for reps-425/450 doubles next week) DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3x5 June 27th TTF upper warm up Landmine Press (shoulder) 5x6. Up to 100lbs total on 45lb bar Barbell shrugs.  5x5.  135, 225, 315,365lbs Pull ups. Assist x 3, […]
Effort-Based Training Versus Progressive Overload
Effort-Based Training Versus Progressive Overload
I have been worrying that junk volume has me accumulating too much fatigue. This is what I have been doing about it.
June 19th-24th
June 19th TTF lower warm up Rackable Cambered Bar.  Worked to 482lbs for a single.  DB walking lunges. 3x5.  BW, 30, 50lbs Heavy Ab Pulldowns. 3x5. 15,18,stack and small orange band. June 20th TTF upper warm up Landmine Press (shoulder) 5x8.  Up to 95lbs total on 45lb bar Hex Bar shrugs.  5x5.  135, 225, 315,365lbs Pull ups. Assist x 3, […]
June 12-17th
June 12th CAMBERED BAR SQUATS.  5x2 Bar, 155, 245, 295, 335, 385, 425lbs (felt good, 432lbs) Walk Lunges.  3x5. BW,30,45lbs Heavy Ab Pulldowns. 3x5.  15,19, stack Plus Adam resist June 15th Mobility work 5/10min. Deadlift (off rack and stiff bar) 4x2.  135,225,315,405,455, 505lbs Leg Curl Seated.  3x5 Heavy Ab Machine. 3x5 June 16th TTF upper warm up DB Bench Press. […]
JUNE 5th-10th
June 5th TTF LOWER WARM UP CAMBERED BAR SQUATS.  5x4.  Bar, 155, 245, 295, 335, 385, 405lbs (bar is actually 72lbs) AbCore 3x15 w/45lbs June 6th TTF UPPER WARM UP INCLINE KRAZY Bell press.  35lb and pink KB’s.  25/15/15/15/15reps Trap Bar Shrugs 5x10 135,225,275,315,315lbs Band Pull Aparts 5xfail June 8th Mat Pulls (conventional and off 2 small mats). 5x5.  135,225,315,405,485lbs […]
First week of June.
May 29th No warm up. Commercial gym vibes SQUATS. Work up to singles. Bar, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365, 405, 455, 495, 520lbs Smashed in a commercial gym. 5lb PR!!!!!!! Bulgarian split squat. 3x5 BW, 25, 50lb Heavy Ab pulldowns. 3x5 15/20/20 May 30th Upper warm up….commercial gym Incline KRAZY Belll. (Barbell and 25lb […]

Items 21 to 40 of 13402 total