Week 13 / Day 2 - Triceps, Biceps and Gripceps - destination Swoleville...
Triceps, Biceps & Gripceps...Eat your heart out Mark Dugdale.
Week 1 Day 1 - Mulitiply Bench Training with VIDEO....
"Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you." - Misty Copeland
Final Weeks of Using Bands for Work-Up Sets / Week 10 of Current Cycle
Final Weeks of this Cycle before making some small adjustments.
Main Squat - 3 Weeks Out
Squat 135x5 185x4 225x3 275x2 315x1 wraps 350x3x2sets Paused 255x3x3 Leg press 4x10 GHR 4X10
Great Time Of Year For Excuses, What's You Favourite?
The top ten excuses I hear daily, what is yours?
Week 4 Off Season Training - Supplemental Training with VIDEO....
Every girl is crazy bout big trap man....