Team Nebobarbell is hosting: THE 2018 IPA NORTH CAROLINA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS - MAY 19, 2018 - INFO
Team Nebobarbell is hosting: THE 2018 IPA NORTH CAROLINA STATE CHAMPIONS...
Mark this date on your calendar! This is going to be a powerlifting meet you don't want to miss!
Light Bench - 7 Weeks Out - No shoulder pain!
Light Bench - 7 Weeks Out - No shoulder pain!
  Two days before today's training session I met with a chiropractor who was recommended to me by some local lifters. She did a bit of dry needling on my trap and rear delt, Then some ART on my pec, lat, delt, and subscap. It hurt like hell the next day, but there was zero […]
Manic Monday Kettlebell Bootcamp!
Manic Monday Kettlebell Bootcamp!
Here's a fun bootcamp circuit for your metabolic conditioning!
W.G.B.P. 290 X 25 X 2
W.G.B.P. 290 X 25 X 2
Wide Grip
update 10.31.17
update 10.31.17
Halloween PT
update 10.29.17
update 10.29.17
S5 taking shape...
Training Update
Training Update
A minor set back. 5 weeks out
Coupled in Strength Seminar
Coupled in Strength Seminar
A concept that's really helped me feel comfortable when stepping out of my comfort zone. I talk a lot about food and about our trip to Jungle Boys Gym in Virginia!
First UC flare up
First UC flare up
Jocko- "Discipline is Freedom."
Limited Training
Limited Training
I got two training days in this week, unfortunately.
Ah, Strongman Training
Ah, Strongman Training
Followed closely but the fabled "strongman low"
Bodybuilding Day: Leg Supersets
Bodybuilding Day: Leg Supersets
Off Season 8: Week 11, Day 4 - 10.31.17
Squats 710 x 7
Squats 710 x 7
Wed Night - Pecs, Delts and Tris
Wed Night - Pecs, Delts and Tris
A mixture of heavier weight/lower reps and density training in this workout.
Bodybuilding Day: Quick Back Training
Bodybuilding Day: Quick Back Training
Off Season 8: Week 11, Day 3 - 10.30.17
Squeezing 50 lbs of Poo into a 10 lb Sack
Squeezing 50 lbs of Poo into a 10 lb Sack
It takes a lot of effort to feel this fat
The A-Hole Complex
The A-Hole Complex
Now I've got Dennis Leary stuck in my head

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