Fall Semester of 3rd Year Is OVER!
Looking forward to being an official member of BSG for the next 2 months
Dynamic Effort Upper: New Speed Bench Wave
After sustaining multiple lower back injuries (primarily hip and SI issues) within the past year, Brandon’s focus has cornered the bench press — raw and equipped. Follow along to see how he’s addressing lower body strength and size while prepping for a bench only meet for early 2018.
Peak Phase WK4 Day 1: Maybe my opener is to high, by 50lbs ?!
That moment when your opener becomes your third attempt
A Few of My Favorite Memories from the S4 Compound
It's been sad watching the updates over the last few weeks of the S4 Compound being cleared out. Bigger and better things are coming for this company, I know that and see that, but it's still sad to know I wont be able to revisit the place where I made some of amazing memories. It was in […]
Main Bench - 7 Weeks out - CPF Tournament of Champions
This training day has me feeling much more confident in my bench for this meet.