Training - Bench and Deads
Feeling strong but mechanically felt all over the place. Back and quads are taking over and really need to open up my hips. Looks like chair deadlifts are in my future.
705 for multiple triples on DL Smoking 705 for triples. Following this I did some hamstringisolation work as it was flaring up a tad
Erica Penley - IPA Flex Lewis Classic - Murfreesboro, Tenn - 10/07/17 wi...
We love our girl Erica!....
Feeling Inspired Again
Something Hannah Johnson told me once that I remind myself of often is "Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire". Wise words from a wise woman. To say that the last year has been filled with ups and downs would be an understatement, but the hardships aren't what I want […]
Week 2 Recap - HaloSport & Compensatory Acceleration Trial
Continuing to build some good momentum for a meet at 198.