Monday Night: Back & Biceps
I don't think my lats have been this sore from a workout in a while - enjoy!
Chelsea Lewis - IPA Flex Lewis Classic - Murfreesboro, Tenn - 10/07/17 w...
"Life is not a struggle. It's a wiggle." - Peter McWilliams
Peak Phase Wk1 day 2: Bench + Chains
The bench is in a "stable place" with no signs of regression, I am taking that as a win!
Melissa Byrd - IPA Flex Lewis Classic - Murfreesboro, Tenn - 10/07/17 wi...
7 for 9, 4 PR's, 4 IPA World Records, 1st Place full power raw 132 weight class master, Achieved Master's Pro Elite Total! Now that's some accomplishments!....
Everybody's Pushing for the Weekend
Loverboy might have been bigger if they had used this title for their hit song
Raw Nationals a Lot of Fun My friend and athlete, Tyree Dunn, pertofrmed fantastically and came in second place to Ray Williams, who is arguably the strongest raw powerlifter of all time
RPS Killer 1st Singleply Meet Results (w/video's)
Qualifying for the Arnold's, Priceless, Bonus 8 World Records, 8 Canadian National Records all in a day's lifting!