RPS Killer 1st Singleply Meet Results (w/video's)
Qualifying for the Arnold's, Priceless, Bonus 8 World Records, 8 Canadian National Records all in a day's lifting!
Peak Phase Wk1 Day 1: Squats + Chains
Time Frame Starting off this peak phase I will be using accommodative resistance on squats and be aiming for my max attempt at lockout with chains. Workout Aerodyne Bike: 3-5 min Foam Roll Lats: 3-5 min Hip Helicopters: 10 reps per leg Reverse Hypers: 2x15 Squats: Bar x 5 150 x 3 240 + […]
Dynamic Effort Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls and Testing Some Conventional S...
Off Season 8: Week 6, Day 5 - 9.27.17
Restoration Week
https://www.instagram.com/p/BaFSR9ajWIX/?taken-by=joesullivanpowerlifter I did a very light setof squats at 745. This whole week is destroying me and I need to use this one to recover
Best Gyms in Ohio (That I've visited)
I'm sure I could add a couple more to this list, but here are some of the baddest gyms in Ohio that I've trained in. Let me know what I'm missing!