When Plan A Is a No Go, Move to Plan B
When Plan A Is a No Go, Move to Plan B
And keep moving forward
Training - Deadlifts
Training - Deadlifts
9 weeks out from IPL Worlds
Training - Bench
Training - Bench
Your coach sucks and your bench is ugly.
Chest, Shoulder & Triceps
Chest, Shoulder & Triceps
High volume - short time period!
The Help I could Never Give
The Help I could Never Give
for the first time, I experience being the cause of pain
My Single Movement Training Regimen Continues
My Single Movement Training Regimen Continues
And I keep moving forward
And Then There Was One...Exercise
And Then There Was One...Exercise
Sucking less is still sucking, so how about NOT sucking?
Squats 800 x 3
Squats 800 x 3
Squats 800x3
VIDEO: Week 2 Recap
VIDEO: Week 2 Recap
Off Season #8
Wednesday Pulls
Wednesday Pulls
Beginning of some volumes on deals as well...F deficit pulls
Monday bench
Monday bench
Beginning of some raw bench volume before getting back in the shirt
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, and Tri's
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, and Tri's
Off Season 8: Week 2, Day 7 - 9.1.17
Kabuki KMS 1 Boston
Kabuki KMS 1 Boston
KMS 1 Certification in Boston MA
My Thought's On DLB And The USAPL
My Thought's On DLB And The USAPL
DLB Competed In The USAPL
Quick Picks for the Month of August 2017
Quick Picks for the Month of August 2017
The best of the best from August.
Wk10 Day3: Last Deadlift before NBS Prep meet
Wk10 Day3: Last Deadlift before NBS Prep meet
adjusting the program on the fly is always fun
Back & Bi's
Back & Bi's
Blasted through this workout in about 50 minutes!
All Time Bench PR 3.5 Weeks Out!
All Time Bench PR 3.5 Weeks Out!
The weight is moving up thats always a good sign.
Getting Back Into The Groove
Getting Back Into The Groove
Just trying to establish some regularity in the gym
Week 7 Day 1 - Benching - RAW DOG with VIDEO....
Week 7 Day 1 - Benching - RAW DOG with VIDEO....
"I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse." – Florence Nightingale

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