A Tribute To Our Roggie, The Hardest Part Was Saying Goodbye!
My heart is heavy, 11 years of unconditional love. RIP Rogan.
Dynamic Effort Lower: Well That SUCKED...An Unforced Change Of Direction
Off Season 8: Week 2, Day 4 - 8.29.17
Reebok Record Breaker's Wk9 Day2: Injured again
Tricep Tendonities came back, the cost of helping others.
Multivariable Autoregulation
Fancy talk for doing whatever I feel like, but with a logical plan for progress
Week 4 Day 4 - Multiply Squats with VIDEO....
“Don’t have $100.00 shoes and a 10 cent Squat” – Louie Simmons
Bench Day - what do you mean more reps? video clip
Bench Training - more reps and chains??? video clip