To be established is to deliver every single time. What you offer is a service for others. Deliver every single time and they will come.
Back to The Weight Room and a S.O.B. of a Tire Flip
If you're in or around Richmond, VA then you NEED to go to The Weight Room
LETS PEAK- 1RM Squats against chains
Did I beat last peaking cycle's 6 chain wrapped squat? Does it matter?
Dave’s Advice
Note from Dad. I share this with you because he is a great guide but it is ultimately up to you to always make the call. No mentor or teacher can decide that for you.
Week 5 / Day 4 - Upper Accessory
*treadmill *super series warm-up Chest Supported DB Row 50 x 20 85 x 10 105 x 10 115 x 10 125 x 10 x 2 Close Grip Pulldown 180 x 10 225 x 10 x 3 DB Lateral 40 x 15 x 3 Band Pressdown light band x 20 x 3 Curl Grip Pressdown 75 […]
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench vs Mini Bands, Upper Accessory Fluff
Off Season Training; Week 8, Day 3 - 10.23.19