Melissa Byrd - Team Nebobarbell - IPA Battle of the Beast 2 - Gainesboro, Tenn - 07/08/17 with VIDEO....
Melissa Byrd - Team Nebobarbell - IPA Battle of the Beast 2 - Gainesboro...
“A strong woman builds her own world. She is one who is wise enough to know that it will attract the man she will gladly share it with.” ― Ellen J. Barrier
Strength Block Wk3 Day1: Intensity slowly creeping up
Strength Block Wk3 Day1: Intensity slowly creeping up
Getting bent over by the SSB? NOT TODAY!
Pre-Vacation Leg Training
Pre-Vacation Leg Training
This is the workout I did the day before leaving to Costa Rica for a week!
Bench Smoker 11 Weeks Out RPS!
Bench Smoker 11 Weeks Out RPS!
Today was redemption day and I crushed it!
All Time Squat PR 11 Weeks Out RPS (w/video)
All Time Squat PR 11 Weeks Out RPS (w/video)
400 lbs, tons of speed and tons of room to grow!
Full gear squat
Full gear squat
Frustrating squat day
Raw bench
Raw bench
This session reminded how weak I was...
Conventional DL
Conventional DL
With a great cue from Murph...
Floor press
Floor press
Solid bench session.
Sumo 4L
Sumo 4L
Today was a good day
The "Laura"
The "Laura"
Something different and super challenging.
Life Update
Life Update
Life outside of training. Goals are turning into action. Trying to conquer life one day at a time.
Training Update
Training Update
Two movements I started implementing in my training.
Strength Block Wk2 Day4: Incline
Strength Block Wk2 Day4: Incline
Starting to actually like incline???
VIDEO: Week 10 Recap
VIDEO: Week 10 Recap
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep
Thought of the day.
Thought of the day.
Wrinkle cream and glitter are my "go to" beauty supplies
Support Continued Episodes of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast
Support Continued Episodes of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast
If you have found the Podcast helpful so far, consider supporting future episodes and content by purchasing Online Coaching/Programming at a Reduced Price!
695x3 DL and a 605x13 amrap
695x3 DL and a 605x13 amrap
Deadlifting 800lbs is not far away
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep; Wk 10, Day 7 - 7.14.17
Upper Accessory / Back Work
Upper Accessory / Back Work
Upper Accessory Training

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